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Landlords are being urged to ensure they are fully tax efficient after research shows many are failing to claim for the full range of tax allowances
Buy-to-let mortgage specialist Paragon said landlords could offset many of the costs incurred through letting property against their income, but many were unaware of the full range of costs they could claim.
For exmaple, Paragon's research shows that more than one in 10 landlords (13%) are not claiming for mortgage interest, despite it being a major cost for landlords.
Meanwhile, a third of landlords don't claim management or letting agent fees, with 55% of landlords not claiming for advertising costs incurred in letting their property.
Paragon's Tax Guide (prepared in association with Perrys Chartered Accountants), which can be downloaded from www.paragon-mortgages.co.uk, helps landlords from purchase through to sale and provide comprehensive information on income tax, limited companies and Capital Gains Tax, in addition to the list of tax reliefs available to landlords and top tax tips.
Nigel Terrington, Paragon Group Chief Executive, said: "Good tax planning is key. How landlords implement, manage and run their tax affairs could have a major impact on landlords' property investments and their overall performance.
"Tax is a complex area and we are confident that our Tax Guide will help landlords obtain a better grasp of tax matters. It's vital that landlords take advantage of the allowances open to them to maximise their return on investment."
He added: "I'm sure when landlords take all of these costs into consideration it could generate a significant saving on their tax bill."
Original article taken from http://articles.nfopp.co.uk/
The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.
After working with landlords for over 20 years, I+#8217;ve seen first-hand how unpredictable letting can be, so it's no surprise to me that our Guaranteed Rent Service grows in popularity …