Contract-holder Emergencies

Please find details of our emergency contractors below. Contractors will only attend outside of office hours in cases of genuine emergencies. If your issue is not an emergency, then please report your issue to our office via and we’ll arrange for a contractor to attend as soon as possible.

Please be aware that in some cases you will be required to pay the contractors up front, and as long as the contractor can confirm that you did not cause the problem, we will arrange reimbursement. This is necessary as contractors will not be able to confirm you live in a managed property when they attend.

If you're unable to arrange attendance with one of the contractors listed below (i.e. they do not respond or they are unable to attend), then providing it is one of the genuine emergencies listed, you may source your own contractor. However, we will need to see evidence that you have contacted the below numbers in the first instance by phone / text and allowed for a reasonable response time. Please ensure you receive a detailed invoice or receipt and provide to it to us as quickly as possible so that we may arrange reimbursement.

Plumbing and Gas

The following scenarios are considered to be genuine emergencies:

  • Escape of water, where the leak can not easily be contained. Follow our instructions to turn off your water supply.
  • Smelling gas or a carbon monoxide alarm is sounding constantly. Initially, you must contact the National Grid on 0800 111 999, who will advise you accordingly.

Ward Plumbing and Heating

Flow Plumbing and Heating

MG Property Solutions

Please note that we don't consider no hot water or no heating to be a genuine emergency that requires an out-of-hours call-out. Even over festive periods, our Maintenance Team pick-up and progress such reports and will arrange for a contractor to attend as quickly as possible. Before reporting to us, please check if it's just that your boiler pressure needs topping up.


The following scenarios are considered to be genuine emergencies:

  • Front door lock seized / broken
  • Bedroom locks seized / broken
  • Lost keys and no access to spares to gain access (you will always be required to pay for this).
  • Front or back doors not locking
  • Security problems following break-in

PS Hayes (Patrick)

Cardiff City Locksmiths

MG Property Solutions


The following scenarios are considered to be genuine emergencies:

  • No power in all or a significant part of the property, where nothing is tripped on fuse board. Please note, you will need to check with Western Power Distribution if there is a power cut in your area in the first instance.
  • Fuse board failure/continual tripping of power
  • Electrical burning
  • Fire alarms sounding continuously and not in need of battery replacements

LOC Electrics


The following scenarios are considered to be genuine emergencies:

  • Any structural problem which puts the safety of the contract-holders/neighbours/passers by in danger, such as a collapsing wall/ceiling, etc.
  • Any structural problem which compromises the security of the property

MG Property Solutions (General building)

Thomas Flanagan

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CPS Homes - Did you know?

We have a full contract-holder-help guide available on our website, so give it a quick once-over before reporting any maintenance issues, as the answer to your problems (well, certain problems... we're not that good!) may well be there.

Naturally, there are going to be some things that are beyond your capabilities. After all, you're not going to be expected to go on a plumbing course just because you've chosen to rent a property! So if there's anything you're unsure of, it's always best to make contact with your landlord or managing agent and have them offer their advice.

Always be sure to report any maintenance issues you can't deal with yourself as soon as possible. Any delay may result in a deterioration in condition or, in the worst case scenario, irreparable damage, which you'd rather not be held responsible for because you didn't report it in time. It sounds outlandish, but it has been known to happen!

Bear in mind that if you instruct a contractor call-out, even in an emergency situation, you may be liable for a call-out charge that your landlord does not have to pay.