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Student property list out 1st November

CPS Homes Student Property List

Here at CPS Homes we've been helping students to find properties for over ten years now, so using the experience we've built up in that time, we like to think we’ve got pretty good at it!

We ensure all of our student houses and flats meet Cardiff County Council’s latest standards, so when you’re viewing one of our properties, you can focus on the things that matter to you – the location, the size of the lounge, the number of bedrooms, the distance to the pub! Our housing stock ranges from ten-bedroom houses to one-bed flats, so however many housemates you have in mind, we’ll be able to accommodate you (literally). Tell us what’s important to you and let us do the work of finding you the right property. Whether you’re on a tight budget or want to splash out on a nicer pad, we've housed tens of thousands of students over the years and we've accommodated all sorts of requests, so don’t be afraid to ask

During viewings, we make a point of asking what you’d like to see in the houses we take you to. We want to help you make that house a home, so if you have a request or two that’ll help you do that, we’ll ask the landlords to consider your points and see what we can do to negotiate. Our own student days might be a little further away than we’d like to admit, but we work hard at making sure we’re in touch with you and your priorities. We recruit students to our lettings team and make sure we stay close to students’ interests by sponsoring university teams and societies, as well as running weekly offers on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Honesty is our best policy

CPS Homes' Director Emma James

Renting my first house as a Cardiff student was a daunting experience. We were five first-year students and had only just moved into halls, when suddenly we had to think about where we were going to live the following year. We didn't know where to start, so it’s my own experience that drives me to make sure the advice we offer our student tenants is of the highest standard. Over the last 13 years, we've pushed not only to improve the quality of the house themselves, but also the way landlords view students. Honesty has always been our best policy, and it seems to be something our customers value.” - Emma James, Director.

21 October 2013

The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.


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