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Most landlords in the United Kingdom are law-abiding citizens who offer their tenants suitable accommodation to live in, and work to address any issues or complications that arise throughout a tenancy period. However, there are some landlords who provide their tenants with dirty or dangerous homes, and these landlords also fail to address serious issues which could seriously affect the health and lives of their tenants.
According to research conducted by the Labour Party, these 'rogue' landlords are collecting around £800 million a month across the UK. The party has vowed to toughen the rules on landlords who let out poor quality properties to tackle the growing problem.
With the shock general election just a few weeks away, Labour’s Shadow Housing Secretary John Healey said that a new Labour government would protect the rights of tenants by launching a ‘consumer rights revolution’. He revealed that in the UK today, many people have fewer rights when renting a property than when buying a fridge-freezer!
The research from Labour revealed that there are nearly 1.3 million sub-standard homes on the property market today, with nearly 400,000 families with children living in dangerous conditions. What’s more, tenants are spending nearly £9.6 billion on housing which is classed by the government as ‘non-decent’. If that wasn’t bad enough, Labour revealed that research by Shelter in 2014 found that nearly six in ten tenants have suffered from at least one serious problem such as damp, gas leaks or an animal infestation in the past 12 months.
There are currently no minimum standards in the private rental sector, an issue which a new Labour government will address. Labour has promised to introduce a tough set of minimum standards which landlords must adhere to at all times, while local councils will have the power to punish rogue landlords with tough new fines of up to £10,000.
In addition to the above, Labour will also set up a hotline for tenants to call and receive free advice on their situation, and councils will be able to make compulsory purchases of sub-standard, dangerous homes as a last resort.
Here at CPS Homes, we ensure that our landlords offer only the best possible service and rental properties to our tenants. As Cardiff’s largest letting agent, we know that most landlords are law-abiding citizens who provide good-quality rental properties, but unfortunately, they are tarnished under the same name as rogue landlords.
We support any measures from this government or future governments that cracks down on unscrupulous landlords who are only out to make quick money. If you are looking to rent a property in Cardiff, take a look at the selection of rental properties we have available in many beautiful areas across the city, and don’t forget to get in touch if you have any questions. Call us on 02920 668585, email enquires@cpshomes.co.uk or pop into our Woodville Road office in the heart of Cathays.
The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.
After working with landlords for over 20 years, I+#8217;ve seen first-hand how unpredictable letting can be, so it's no surprise to me that our Guaranteed Rent Service grows in popularity …