Rent Smart Wales is potentially one of Wales’ largest changes to legislature for landlords in the country. Over the last two years, we have written several blogs detailing the introduction of Rent Smart Wales, and what it means for Welsh landlords. We understand that such a big overhaul can appear intimidating, which is why we’ve worked hard to ensure that landlords have all the information possible; despite our best efforts, and the efforts of others trying to make landlords aware of these law changes, it seems that some landlords still haven’t fulfilled their obligation to register with Rent Smart Wales and complete the necessary training, as is now the law.
Recently, a Cardiff landlord was fined a bill of £3,500 for not complying with the Rent Smart Wales scheme.
Shelley Bailey, who lives in Gloucestershire but rents property in Cardiff, was prosecuted under the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 for not complying with Rent Smart Wales. This new property rental scheme requires landlords with properties in Wales to register with Rent Smart Wales, and for all self-managing landlords, and letting agents such as CPS Homes, to become trained and licensed.
Shelley Bailey owns 7 rental properties in Cardiff, and had been contacted beforehand by RSW officers letting her know she had yet to comply with the new rules set out by RSW. She then received a Fixed Penalty Notice in April of £150. When she then did not pay this penalty, she was prosecuted by Cardiff Council.
In her absence, Cardiff Magistrates Court found Ms Bailey guilty of 21 offences, and she was fined £3,580 and required to pay £457 in legal fees and court costs.
When Rent Smart Wales was formally introduced in November 2015, landlords and letting agents were given a year to comply with the new requirements of registration and obtaining a landlord license. Work is now being undertaken by Welsh local authorities to find landlords and agents who haven’t complied with the new requirements, and there will be serious consequences for landlords not registering their Welsh properties.
Rent Smart Wales is a new government scheme in Wales to introduce better standards of rental property for tenants throughout the country. The purpose of the scheme is to make landlords more culpable for the standards of the properties they rent, especially as rental properties are becoming an increasingly large market, especially in cities such as Cardiff and Swansea, which have growing student populations, and an increase in the number of young professionals.
While all landlords with properties in Wales have to register with Rent Smart Wales, only agencies and self-managing landlords have to undergo training for a landlord license. CPS Homes is already a licensed estate agency, and we have been since Rent Smart Wales was first introduced into law.
If you’re looking to remove the stress of managing your rental properties, we are a Rent Smart Wales licensed letting and estate agent, with more than 10 years of property experience in Cardiff. If you want more information about Rent Smart Wales, or our property management services, get in touch today, email: enquiries@cpshomes.co.uk, or pop into one of our three Cardiff branches.
The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.