Happy New Year 2018! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break and all feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle the challenges of 2018. Here at CPS Homes letting and estate agents, we’re ready to help our students, sellers, landlords, buyers and investors with all their property needs, and wanted to start 2018 by discussing the news that flew under the radar a little in the closing months of 2017; news which will have a direct impact on students here in Cardiff.
The Welsh Government announced back in late October that plans to raise tuition fees in Wales have been scrapped and therefore remain at £9,000. The original plans were to raise the fees by £250, but now students in Wales will benefit from cheaper tuition fees compared to students studying in English institutions.
The NUS Wales welcomed the Welsh Government’s move, while Education Secretary Kirsty Williams said that the Welsh Government will invest £26 million to support students and Welsh universities over 2018 and 2019. She also revealed that undergraduate loans will not have to be paid back until graduates are earning £25,000, an increase from the current level of £21,000.
Speaking in more detail about the Welsh Government’s U-turn, Kirsty Williams added that the government will not allow any political turmoil in England to knock the Welsh Government off course from delivering on their promise to create a sustainable and secure higher education system in Wales. She added that after careful consideration and consultation with Welsh universities and the National Union of Students, the maximum amount paid for tuition fees will remain at £9,000.
Kirsty continued to say that the Welsh Government, unlike the one in England, is delivering investment to support both students in Wales and the Welsh institutions. She added that she will continue to discuss with colleagues in Whitehall the issue of interest charged to students whilst studying.
In addition to her announcement of tuition fees, Kirsty Williams also announced that an additional £10 million will be made available to HEFCW (Higher Education Funding Council for Wales) to deal with all issues that may arise from the tuition fee changes. She also announced an additional £6 million to HEFCW this financial year to help them start preparations for Brexit and for short-term implications of demographic change. Finally, it was revealed that £5 million will be allocated to the HEFCW in both 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 to provide bursaries and grants to postgraduate students.
It is hoped that by scrapping the tuition fee rise and by implementing the other changes, Welsh students will be encouraged to return and study in Wales.
Are you a student in Cardiff looking for next year’s accommodation? If so, get in touch with us today. We have hundreds of properties available to rent across Cardiff, and, as experts in the student rental market, we can help ensure you find the perfect one for you. Pop into our Woodville Road branch for more details, email: enquiries@cpshomes.co.uk, or call 02920 668585 today.
The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.