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Tamara Price, Lettings Manager, explains why landlords are being asked to consider allowing pets into rental homes...
Earlier this month, the Government made a plea that could bring good news for both animals and animal-loving renters alike.
It appears the Government are seeking new ways to help more renters bring animals into their homes. Robert Jenrick, the Secretary of State for Housing in the UK, recently called on landlords to make it simpler for responsible tenants to have well behaved pets living with them inside their rental properties. At the same time, Jenrick also announced that an overhaul of the Government’s own model tenancy contracts is also in place.
As things stand, just 7% of UK landlords state that pets are allowed when advertising their rental properties, resulting in many people having to say goodbye to their beloved pets before they move.
The National Landlords Association (NLA) have consistently recommended that landlords consider requests for pets on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the type of property, the type of pet that’s involved, any included ‘pet clauses’ and the tenancy agreement to help promote responsible pet ownership.
The overhaul could mean that landlords will have to allow pets into their properties, unless there is good reason - such as the property being too small. Jenrick has stated that he wants to make it easier as he believes that pets bring a huge amount of joy and comfort to people’s lives while also helping people through difficult times and improving their mental and physical well-being. However, it was also made clear any decisions that are made must also be equal to landlord’s rights to protect their homes from damage.
The Government views the current situation as a shame due to the fact so many tenants and children are unable to experience the joys of caring for an animal due to them renting their homes instead of owning them. Because of this, the model tenancy contract is being overhauled to encourage landlords to consider accepting responsible pet owners.
Jenrick said that they will be taking on board the opinions of both tenants and landlords to see what more can be done to tackle the issue in a way that is fair to all parties involved. The mission is to ultimately improve life for tenants, as it’s clear that more people are choosing to rent and are doing so for longer in life.
Some action has already been taken, such as the banning of unfair letting fees and the capping of tenancy deposits, which is said to have saved tenants at least £240 million a year, and the plan is to continue to take further steps to help secure a better and fairer deal for renters all across the UK.
CPS Homes are proud to be Cardiff’s largest lettings and estate agent, helping thousands of landlords and renters alike. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help by calling 02920 668585, e-mailing enquiries@cpshomes.co.uk or by popping into one of our three Cardiff branches.
The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.
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