Sian Hiatt, Sales Manager, reveals the first round of quick tips home sellers can follow to put themselves in the best position possible for a quicker sale...
Over the years we feel it's safe to say that we've certainly picked up a few tricks along the way when it comes to trying to sell a property. In fact, tricks may be the wrong word to use as that almost sounds like magic - tweaks may be more apt. Small, simple yet highly effective changes to the overall way you're addressing how you sell your property - no magic involved! These tweaks can have a huge impact when combined together, speeding up the time it takes to move from first marketing your home to completing the sale.
To help you with your property selling journey we've put together this 2-part series so that we could share 10 quick tips to ensure you give yourself the best chance to sell as soon as possible.
If you're selling your home then chances are you're also in the process of buying one. Even if this isn't the case, you should still be as prepared as you can be from the very beginning so that you're never playing catch up with documents and things you need to sort out or arrange. Have your solicitor in place, make sure you've received all the advice required from your mortgage advisor and have all necessary paperwork to hand to help ensure the selling and buying chain runs quick and smoothly. Having all of this in place will mean you're well prepared to proceed as soon as a buyer is found.
A lack of documentation to hand is one of the more common reasons property sales are delayed, so make sure you have access to all the necessary paperwork that your solicitor will require. If you're unsure of what will be needed speak to your solicitor as soon as possible. Documentation that will be required typically includes things such as boiler warranties, door and window certificates, your property's Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and other legal documents.
Buyers will often make their minds up about a property within the first few minutes of viewing, so it's important to make the approach to your front door as well-kept and as welcoming as possible. Some fresh paint on the door, a cut lawn and some colourful flower pots could make all the difference when your potential buyers are greeted with the entrance, immediately setting the viewing off on the right foot.
Use this as an opportunity to de-clutter and remove or store away as many personal items from view as possible. This will help create a clearer canvas, allowing potential buyers to let their imagination run wild with how they'd like to decorate and furnish the space. Now, we're not saying to empty rooms entirely, but too many personal belongings can certainly get in the way of helping viewers picture themselves living there.
Dogs, cats and other pets are of course a part of the family, we'd want it no other way! However, when viewings are booked it'd be a good idea to take the family pet for a walk or find someone who can look after them for a short amount of time. All of your viewers may be huge animal lovers, but you can never be sure so it's better to be safe than sorry. Be sure to also clean up all residual hair and frequently use something that can effectively combat animal odours throughout the duration of the selling process.
Be sure to check out part 2 next week for another 5 quick tips that will help you sell your home faster.
Are you looking to sell your home in Cardiff? If so, why not contact our expert sales team at CPS Homes to learn more about how we can put you in the best position to sell faster and for the right price? Contact us by calling 02920 668585, e-mailing enquiries@cpshomes.co.uk or by popping into one of our three Cardiff branches.
The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.