A new year often brings new hope and plans for our home. That could be in the form of buying a new home, selling your existing property or simply freshening things up with some home improvements and DIY projects that have been sitting on the to-do list for far too long. Some of these jobs may be straight-forward and easy enough to tackle yourself, but many others will require expert skills and would be best left to the trade professionals.
Below we've listed a few popular DIY projects that you may be keen to get stuck into yourself along with a few others that you should definitely consider hiring a skilled tradesman for to ensure the home improvement is carried out safely and to the required standard.
Interior/Exterior paint and repairs
If you're one for putting off the little odd-jobs that need doing around the house, begin by making a list and try to prioritise the jobs you'd like to sort out first while taking into account which jobs could be completed at the same time or within same room or area of the home. These odd-jobs could include re-painting inside or outside walls, doors or features if they've become a little drab and dreary over the years, or perhaps you've always wanted to up-cycle items of furniture by giving them a lick of paint and a new lease of life. Simple repairs you need to tackle might include replacing or repairing a broken door handle, putting a stop to a leaking tap or steadying shelves that have become loose and dangerous over time.
Clear pathways and guttering
Living a busy life means property maintenance is often neglected, something that rings particularly true for the outside pathways and guttering. You'd be surprised at the results a jet washer and leaf blower can achieve on the exterior areas of your property, helping to spruce them up and remove any unwanted mud, marks or clogged up winter leaves and debris. For some people, gutters may be at a height they're not comfortable with, so if this is the case be sure to call in a professional instead of attempting it yourself. Failing to regularly clear the gutters can lead to water leaks and water damage, while it can also attract rodents, pests, mould and honeycombs from bee infestation.
Clean or re-grout tiles
Grubby tiles have the potential to really let a kitchen or bathroom down, even if everything else in the room is clean and tidy. Sometimes a thorough clean with some elbow grease and the right cleaning products can leave the grout looking as good as new, but if things have got out of hand you may be better off entirely re-grouting. There are plenty of tutorials available online if you fancied trying a dab hand at the job yourself.
Electrical jobs
Any job that requires electrical work should most certainly be left to the professionals. Even if it appears a simple project to you, such as installing some small lights, you should still call on a qualified electrician. This is because electrical work is not only dangerous during the installation, but if done incorrectly it can also cause a fire or worse later down the line. Furthermore, the majority of electrical jobs must comply with regulations, so it's important electrical work has adhered to these regulations when it comes to selling or letting your property.
Plumbing jobs
You may get away with repairing or perhaps even replacing a leaky tap, but most plumbing work should not be attempted by anyone other than a qualified plumber. Any mistakes that are made could make the problem a whole lot worse, ultimately resulting in you having to spend far more money and time in trying to get the issues rectified. Like electrical work, plumbing jobs are jobs that really do need to be done right the first time of asking.
Tiling walls and floors
On the face of it, tiling the walls or floors of your kitchen and bathroom may seem relatively straight forward, and some people may even assure you that it's a job that can be easily carried out by yourself. However, there is a level of skill and eye co-ordination involved and without this you could end up with work that's clearly been poorly completed. Uneven walls and floors that aren't level may not be easily spotted by the untrained eye, but all add to the level of difficulty of the job. The tiles themselves can often cost a considerable sum, so don't ruin the final finish with shoddy installation.
Are you keen to discuss the sale or purchase of your property in Cardiff? Perhaps you're a landlord looking to source the perfect tenant or add to your portfolio? No matter your need, our team of experts here at CPS Homes are eager to help. Call us today on 02920 668585, e-mail enquiries@cpshomes.co.uk or pop into one of our three Cardiff branches.
The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.