Nathan Walker, Sales Director, points out a few important things you may want to reconsider when it comes to gearing yourself up for moving day...
So you've finally crossed the t's and dotted the i's, the property is now your new home and it's time to move in and embark on your new journey. It may also be time for the stresses of waiting for this day to finally arrive to disappear only to be replaced by the new stresses of having to tackle the action of actually moving in. It's time to knuckle down, pack up and make the move.
Whether you're moving from one rental property to another, moving into a new purchase, finally flying the nest for the first time or anything else in between, you're probably looking at all of your belongings and wondering where to start.
Before you let that overwhelm you, let us highlight a few things you may want to reconsider when it comes to moving day - or should we say, moving week? Because it should be that big of a deal!
Many movers truly underestimate the stress (and at times panic) that can arise on moving day if things aren't well planned out in advance.
You may have spent some time beforehand considering whether to use the services of a removal firm or to save some cash by moving everything out of the old and into the new by yourself. The savings may tempt you into believing that hiring a van for the day and running back and forth a few times is all there is to it. This may be the case if you don't have large furniture or boxes upon boxes of items to transport, but at the very least try to call in some favours by asking friends and family to jump on board to help out.
If you do have items of large furniture and many other belongings then it may be a good idea to let a reputable professional removal service take care of everything.
Think all you have to do is quickly pack things up during the last day or so before the move? If so, bad idea. You really should look to start packing things up as early as possible. Many people find that it can take an entire day or more just to sort out the attic, then the same for the garage, then the spare bedrooms and so on.
To help you out on the other side you could start by making a list that tries to put some uniformity in the way in which you'll attack each room and safely pack things away in an orderly fashion. For example, you're unlikely to move and unpack everything on the very first day, so you'll be looking for easy access to the essentials, such as kettle, mugs, plates, cutlery, phone charger etc. You'll also want to put some plan in place to ensure valuable items are carefully packaged for the move separate to everything else.
Don't forget to label each box so that you know where to put them ready for unpacking when they reach your new home, and use this as an opportunity to take unwanted items to the charity shop or local tip so you have less clutter to dig through on the other side.
Many people assume that it's best to let moving day fall on a Friday so that you have the entire weekend to complete the move. However, if you can get the time off work it's worth considering a moving day that falls on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday for a number of reasons. Firstly, it minimises the risk of any funds being transferred too late, which is one of the main culprits for moving day being held back at the last minute.
Furthermore, removal companies tend to have more availability mid-week and some may even offer more attractive rates for these days, plus it'll give you the chance to be fully moved in before the weekend arrives - meaning you can spend this time enjoying your new home instead of unpacking boxes, putting furniture together and returning to work on Monday morning exhausted.
This one can get you in a lot of trouble. You may be tempted to put off addressing bills for the time being, preferring to instead sort them out further down the line once you're a little more settled. However, if you fail to immediately register with your local council as soon as you move in you could face serious consequences, so don't delay. The same goes for your television license and utility bills - the sooner you set them up and get everything in order, the sooner you can relax knowing important obligations are taken care of.
Are you on the search for your dream home in Cardiff? Whether you're looking to buy or rent, our team of property experts here at CPS Homes are ready and eager to help. Contact us by calling 02920 668585, e-mail enquiries@cpshomes.co.uk or simply pop into one of our three Cardiff based branches.
The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.