There is plenty of positive news on the horizon for tenants across Wales as new tenant-focused legislation was recently passed in the Senedd. The new legislation promises to offer tenants more protection, stability and security in their homes.
There will also be wider benefits for both tenants and landlords alike as The Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill also aims to deliver better transparency and clarity on the responsibilities that are to be expected from the side of both a tenant and a landlord, which it’s hoped will go some way towards reducing the number of disagreements and difficulties that arise.
There is some wait before these changes will come into full effect across Wales as they are scheduled to be introduced from spring 2022 in the form of rental contract changes.
These rental contract changes will mean that:
Julie James, Minister for Housing and Local Government in Wales, claims that this new law is being put in place to help make renting a property in Wales fair, simple and efficient, directly effecting the lives in a positive way for the one in three people who rent a home in Wales.
Overall, it’s believed that a greater peace of mind when renting will be one of the main benefits to tenants, with everyone having the right to feel secure in their home and in a position to plan for their future. The benefits to landlords are also expected to make the rental process far more straightforward and easier to understand, with clearer contracts hopefully paving the way for a large reduction in the number of tenancy disputes that are raised, along with less money being spent on legal costs. The new regime will also provide landlords with an improved way to deal with properties that have been abandoned.
David Wilton, Chief Executive of TPAS Cymru (Tenant Participation Advisory Service) says that the new laws that are to be introduced have been shaped by the views and voices of the many thousands of tenants throughout Wales and for this reason it’s a development that is very much welcomed by TPAS Cymru, with a strong belief that they will make renting a great deal easier in Wales.
Wilton states that the he also backs the claims that new contracts will make it clearer for tenants and landlords to easier understand their respective rights and responsibilities. TPAS Cymru also particularly welcome the introduction of new protection measures which should provide greater security regarding improved notice periods while offering much needed flexibility should a tenant’s circumstances change.
Are you a tenant in Cardiff searching for a rental property? If so, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our knowledgeable team here at CPS Homes so that we can offer our expertise and help you with your search. Contact us by calling 02920 668585, e-mailing enquiries@cpshomes.co.uk or simply pop into one of our three Cardiff branches.
The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.