Marie, Maintenance Manager at CPS Homes, talks us through some simple instructions that can help increase the boiler pressure if it's too low...
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Think about the most important things in a property that helps ensure it’s suitable for living.
Do you find it fairly easy to list the top 3 or 4 things?
Among them should most certainly be a correctly functioning boiler - and this should be quite a few places higher than the heated indoor swimming pool you were considering!
The boiler is critical to comfortable living, especially during the cold winter months, so when something is wrong, it can make a homeowner wince as they tend to be a costly repair or replacement job.
Fortunately, not all boiler problems are costly or difficult to fix. Low pressure typically being one of them.
You’ve likely heard the term “low boiler pressure” being bandied about in the past, but what exactly does it mean to have low pressure and how can it be fixed?
If you are experiencing problems such as a loss of heating and hot water supply, it could very well be down to the property having a low boiler pressure.
Read: Interior winter maintenance tips for homeowners and landlords
The boiler is responsible for heating the water that flows through the pipes and radiators of our property (unless our heating runs off electric, of course). For this to work efficiently the pressure in the boiler system needs to be at an adequate and stable level.
Should the water pressure in the boiler drop lower than its optimal level, it won’t be able to sufficiently head the cold water that’s running through the pipes and radiators. This results in a loss of heating and hot water.
Just so you know - it’s also possible for the boiler pressure to be too high. If the pressure is too high, there can be an increased risk of leaks developing in the system. This is why it’s important to regularly check the boiler pressure to ensure it remains within its optimal levels.
There are many different types of boilers available, so the optimal boiler pressure level varies from one boiler to the next.
Many modern boilers come with a needle indicator on the front that displays the current pressure level. There is often a section (usually green) where the needle should sit within to operate at its optimal level, but this may not necessarily be the case for your particular boiler.
If you’re unsure, refer to the manufacturers handbook or manual to locate the boiler pressure indicator.
The handbook or manual will also provide you with pressure information and accurate measurement details for your boiler.
Read: Get ahead of winter maintenance issues
If the boiler pressure is below 1.5 on the pressure gauge, then it’s too low and needs to be repressurised. The same applies if it’s above 2.75, in which case it would be too high.
To repressurise the boiler, you simply….
See our How To guides for more home maintenance tips
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The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.