A positive first impression helps reduce new occupier complaints

“kerb appeal”


​Definition: the attractiveness of a property when viewed from the street.

With summer upon us, it's time to start thinking about the benefits of some simple improvements to your property's kerb appeal, especially if you are a student landlord with new occupants arriving soon. 

A welcoming exterior will not only help reduce the complaints that can come with moving into a new home, but also sets you up for success when viewings for the 2025-2026 academic year start in October (just a few short months away!).

A welcoming exterior means less complaints

Between July and September, students and their parents will be arriving to move into their new properties. Picture this: they arrive after a long journey, tired and perhaps a little stressed. They pull up to your property and the forecourt is overgrown with weeds, the paint on the brickwork is peeling and generally lacking some TLC.

This could put them in a negative frame of mind before they even step over the threshold. When contract-holders feel the landlord doesn't care for the property's upkeep, they're more likely to look for faults when they get inside. They may even be less likely to take care of it themselves, which can lead to increased disputes and property damage.

On the flipside, a well-maintained property with a clean garden, sparkling windows and a fresh coat of paint sends a completely different message. It shows pride of ownership, creates an uplifting first impression and encourages them to keep the property looking well.

Higher rents and speedier lets

Come October, we'll be back in the swing of things, conducting viewings for the next academic year. That first glimpse from the roadside is once again crucial in setting the stage for a positive viewing experience.

Properties that create a positive first impression achieve higher rents, let quicker than their competition and – if/when it comes to it – sell for more than a not-so-well-looked-after neighbour.

Where to begin?

A fresh coat of paint not only does wonders for aesthetics, but it also shields the exterior from the elements, saving you money on repairs down the line. "Paint protects", as they say.

A clean and inviting entryway makes a great first impression. Start with a full clean of your front door and any surrounding areas.

A quick jet-wash of the path and removal of leaves and other debris is well worth it, touching up any chipped or cracked paint on walls or railings whilst you're at it. Don't forget to trim any overgrown bushes.

If you need some help in deciding worthwhile improvements to make, get in touch with Rhys on 02920 668585 or email rhys.owen@cpshomes.co.uk.

26 June 2024

    The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.


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