Switch to an agent who prioritises you, saving money with expert issue checks before calling contractors.
When a contract-holder reports an issue to us, we don't immediately dispatch a contractor the way many other agents might. Instead, we take a more proactive approach with a stringent vetting process that helps avoid unnecessary contractor visits and the associated call-out fees.
There are many reports that our clients never hear about, as we nip them in the bud through tried and tested methods. Take the below case study as an example.
Step 1 - Initial diagnosis: We ask the occupier to confirm if the outage is indeed limited to just part of the property, or if the whole property is affected. If the latter, it could be a problem in the area, so we refer them to National Grid's website which lists any known outages in the area. If it's not listed, it could just be that nobody has reported it yet, so we recommend they check with a neighbour if they're also experiencing issues. If it is a problem in the area, we let them know that National Grid will be on the case and to refer to them for updates. If it's an issue limited to just part of the property, we proceed through our troubleshooting method.
Step 2 - Our instructions: No power in a specific part of the property usefully suggests a switch on the consumer unit (fuse box) has tripped. We advise the occupier to turn off all appliances and lights in the affected part of the property, then go to their consumer unit and check if any circuit-breaker switches are in the 'off' position. If they are, we advise flick it to 'on' and this should restore power. We also provide a video such as this one that guides them through the process.
Step 3 - Thinking ahead: The trip could've been a one-off, but we're also conscious that it could've been caused by a specific appliance or light. We ask if they've recently plugged in a new electrical item of their own and, if so, if they could try a different item in the same plug socket so we can determine if it's the socket or the original item causing the problem. Usually, it's their original item, which is their responsibility. It could be their item's plug, so we point them to our changing a plug guide to see if it helps. If it's a case of a bulb needing changing, we advise them that – whatever the type of bulb – it is their job to change it as per the terms of their contract. If our troubleshooting leads us to believe there is an issue with the property's electrical installation and thus the landlord's responsibility, we will of course recommend that the landlord instructs an electrician.
For decades, 'tenant-like manner' set the standard for everyday tenant responsibilities. Now that it's gone in Wales, we've stepped in and listed all those essential household tasks in our contracts to ensure occupants are still accountable for the jobs they’ve always been expected to handle. Read more.
By providing clear guidance and empowering contract-holders to take action, our clients benefit from:
The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.