Dealing with blocked, slow-flushing or noisy toilets

A blocked or slow-flushing toilet is a problem we get lots of calls about, but the good news is you can often fix this yourself without calling for help.

If your issue is a blocked sink, shower or external drain, please refer to this guide.

1. Check for blockages

Toilets that flush slowly, make strange noises, or don't flush at all are often caused by blockages. The main culprits? Sanitary products, wet wipes, food scraps, and hair. Don't flush anything down the toilet other than toilet paper and if you suspect a blockage, check carefully to see if you can retrieve anything that might be causing the problem.

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2. Use a plunger

If you can’t retrieve it, use a plunger or similar device to attempt to push through the blockage. You must do this in all cases, even if you don’t think a foreign object has been flushed. Use this video to help you (if the link doesn’t work anymore, searching YouTube for “use plunger to unblock toilet” will bring up plenty of similar videos).

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3. Purchase a drain unblocking product

Products that are specifically-manufactured to unblock pipes and drains are only cheap and can be picked up from most supermarkets. Mr Muscle Max Gel Pipe Unblocker is one option, though there will be various options.

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